The Athens University Students’ Organization of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) organized an event in the context of the militant commemoration of the students’ uprising in November '73 against the junta. The Secretary of the CC of KNE, N. Ambatielos, delivered a speech while the event was attended by the GS of the CC of the KKE, D. Koutsoumbas, and Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, General Secretary of the Workers’ Confederation of Cuba (CTC) and Vice President of the WFTU, who gave a short address.
Similar events are taking place all over Greece and will culminate on 17 November with the great anti-imperialist march from the Polytechnic to the US Embassy.
In his speech, N. Ambatielos referred to the historical contribution of the KKE and KNE in the struggle against the dictatorship, stressing that “the people, with their struggles and sacrifices, proved that the power lies in the organization and the alliance of the youth with the labour movement". The Secretary of KNE demonstrated examples of today’s struggle of the workers and youth and called upon the youth to join the trade unions and other mass organizations, the student associations and participate in their mass processes, in order to strengthen the social alliance between the workers, the self-employed, and farmers, and form a mass, robust, popular movement that will pave the way for a way out for the benefit of the people.
At the same time, he noted that “the imperialist conflict between NATO and Russia in Europe, on the territory of Ukraine, is in progress, with a high risk of its expansion and escalation (...) For the past nine months, the people of Ukraine and Russia have been suffering for the interests of the few, i.e. their bourgeois classes and their imperialist alliances. From the very first moment, the KKE and KNE have been at the forefront of the struggle to stop the involvement of our country in the massacre; to close down the bases of NATO and the USA; to stop the utilization of the Greek territory, ports, seas, and air that fuels and continues this carnage; to avert the transformation of Greek universities and science into a tool for the production of ‘smart’ weapons and crude NATO propaganda.”
“The KKE is the only party that has no involvement with capital, business groups, and imperialist unions; that struggles for the people to rise up, and unwaveringly supports the workers’–people’s struggles. (…) The people’s struggle that targets the real opponent, that is, the dictatorship of capital, can deepen those cracks even further and pave the way for a radical revolutionary overthrow!” stressed N. Ambatielos.