50 years since the Polytechnic uprising:A red sea of protesters marched to the US embassy


The militant commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the uprising of the Polytechnic university students and the young workers of Athens against the junta, which was supported by the USA and NATO, culminated once again this year with the mass anti-imperialist march to the US Embassy in Athens on 17/11 and similar events all over the country.

In this year’s mass anti-imperialist demonstration in Athens, a large red sea of people consisting the contingent of the KKE had a strong presence, while the demonstrators, among other things, expressed their solidarity with the people of Palestine and demanded that the massacre in Gaza and Greece’s involvement in imperialist plans be stopped.

“The Polytechnic is a source of inspiration for today’s and future struggles”, stressed in his statement the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas. The entire statement reads as follows:

“The Polytechnic, 50 years later, is a source of inspiration, a springboard for today’s and future struggles. Its messages are relevant and timeless. The slogan ‘Bread-Education-Freedom’ meets today with the struggles of the workers, the self-employed tradesmen, the scientists and the youth against high prices, against the government’s policy of over-taxation on the weak, against foreclosure auctions, for education and health care that meet the contemporary needs of the people.

At the same time, the slogans ‘USA out, NATO out, bases out’ chanted by the students and the people in November ‘73, are timely and convey a message against imperialist interventions and the involvement of our country in wars. As is the case today, with the struggle and the solidarity expressed by the Greek people and youth with the Palestinian people, against the murderous Israeli state, this conqueror of the Palestinian territories and murderer of civilians whom the Greek government supports. The latter gives land and water to all these slaughterers of the peoples.

These are the messages that are relevant today, that we shout in the streets of the struggle, that we will continue shouting forever.”