PRESS OFFICE OF THE CC OF KNE:Inalienable right of the soldiers to express without any hesitation their opposition to the war


In a statement regarding the attempt to terrorise young conscripts protesting against the war, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece states the following:

"We express unequivocally our solidarity and support to all young conscripts, who oppose in all ways the involvement of our country in the imperialist wars being waged in our "neighbourhood".
The attempt to target and terrorise a conscript, member of the KNE, by MPs of the New Democracy and SYRIZA, because he publicly expressed his opposition to our country's support to the murderous state of Israel and his solidarity with the peoples of the region, will fall on deaf ears!

It is an inalienable right of soldiers to freely express their opinion. Especially today, when the government is putting the people and our country - and first of all the soldiers - in great danger by sending frigates and Greek officers and soldiers to the Red Sea and off Lebanon, turning the whole of Greece into a vast NATO base, a base of war against other peoples and at the same time a target for reprisals, it goes without saying that the young soldiers should express their concern and opposition. Just as the Greek people have not authorised the Greek government to involve us in the massacre in the Middle East, so the new conscripts have no obligation, much less any interest, in defending the genocide of the Palestinian people or the blood-stained flags of NATO, Israel, the USA and the European Union.

The KNE supports the protests expressed by soldiers and youth all over Greece. Soldiers have an inalienable right to express without any hesitation their opposition to the war, to freely express their political views, to participate in popular mobilizations and to demand inside the camps.

We call on trade unions, youth organisations, university and vocational student associations to express their solidarity, strengthening the struggle for the disengagement of our country from the wars, for the closure of the US-NATO bases and the return of the Greek warships from the Red Sea."